Site icon New Orleans Police & Justice Foundation

Adopt A Block


Camera Request Form

Adopt-A-Block is NOPJF’s companion initiative to SafeCam NOLA. It is an innovative program that aims to increase the number of private security cameras in crime hot spots in New Orleans. Adopt-A-Block works with churches, business, homeowners, and NOPD to install private security cameras. This program is funded by leveraging private donations to install private security cameras in priority neighborhoods selected by NOPD. Installation areas will be approved on a case-by-case basis.

If you are a property owner and would like to apply as a candidate for security camera installations, please fill out the Camera Request form on this page. Only a limited number of applicants will be selected for installations. Decisions will be made in conjunction with NOPD District Commanders on the basis of crime trends and the firsthand knowledge and experience of district officers.

This program allows citizens to act as NOPD’s eyes and ears in the fight against crime. Since August 2015, NOPJF has installed over 200 cameras on homes and businesses in high crime spots. Helping detectives solve crimes with high quality digital footage.

If you are a security camera vendor/installer and you are interested in partnering with NOPJF, please email Melanie Talia at


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