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Can you handle the “Parade Route Workout?”

Mardi Gras is a marathon…and a sprint. While that means different things to different people, your officers know that it means 10 straight days of being on their feet walking the parade routes, directing traffic, retrieving throws, moving barricades, and still being physically ready to respond to emergencies.

To show just how much we respect the officers and the sacrifice they make not spending Mardi Gras with their loved ones, we’ve found a workout challenge that mimics the grueling 10-day stretch of Carnival parades and events the officers safeguard.

Let us know if you can do the “Parade Route Workout” for 10 days straight by joining the #MardiGrasFit conversation on social media.

The Mardi Gras Officer Challenge also known as the “Parade Route Workout” consists of 10 days of the following exercises:

-1 Mile Walk/Jog

-100 Squats

-40 Lunges

-30 Burpees

-20 Jumping Jacks

-10 Mountain Climbers

It might even seem easy at first, but wait until day 5. It’s a fun test of grit and as close as it gets to being an officer on the parade route. Of course you can also show your support with a symbolic adoption of an officer to the Adopt-A-Cop Support Initiative. Your New Orleans Police and Justice Foundation personnel walk the routes to ensure all Officers stay at full capacity for your safety throughout the Mardi Gras events and beyond!


“There’d be no purple, green, and gold without the Blue.” 

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